Seattle Electronics Recycling – We have been recycling, repairing, and refurbishing for re-use laptops, desktops, and other electronics since 1996. Our company is locally owned, and serves the Greater Seattle Area. Our goal is to find Eco-Friendly ways to get rid of as much of Seattle’s E-Waste as possible. The best thing we can do is repair for re-use recycled electronics, including laptops, Macs, and computers.
Electronic waste contains hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, and also beryllium. Properly disposing of electronic waste means we conserve our natural resources by processing recycled items, and recover valuable materials. Raw materials inside our old electronics can be processed, and used to make new electronics. Processing recycled electronics, and recovering the materials is better for the environment than mining new materials. Recycling electronics also saves huge amounts of energy compared to mining and processing new ore. This also reduces pollution.

Recycling Electronics Creates Local Jobs: Recycling your old or broken laptops, computers, cell phones, or other types of electronics not only is good for the Earth, but it creates jobs in our community. The staff, techs, and refurbishers at Seattle Electronics Recycling refurbish all the recycled electronics possible for re-use, and repurposing. Many of the items that are recycled here are donated to non-profits and schools when they contact us for help. All this recycling and refurbishing stimulates the local economy and provides low cost electronics to all who need a new laptop, computer, Macbook, or other type of electronics. Making recycling electronics recycling easy encourages everyone to recycle more, and this is great for the planet. More sustainable recycling, less mining.
Seattle Electronics Recycling Donates To Alz.org: We strongly support Alz.org, and donate to their organization to help with Alzheimer’s Research, and to “find a cure”. For every single computer, Macbook, server, or laptop that we sell in our store at 76th and Aurora we will make a donation to Alz.org for Alzheimer’s Research. We are very proud of our long donation history, and we have a list of all of the donations we have made this year. You are welcome to check out what we do in the way of donating to Alz.org. We truly want to “Find The Cure!” For more information about our Corporate E-Waste Removal Service click here.