We REcycle almost all types of E-Waste, and Electronics

Electronics REcycling. Working or Not. We Recycle E-Waste.

Seattle Electronics REcycling Makes E-Waste Recycling Easy!
Services Offered At Seattle Electronics Recycling:
Items we take in for recycling:
- Laptops
- Macs
- Desktop Computers
- Servers
- Cell Phones
- Cameras
- Networking Equipment
- Cables
- Chargers
- Other Electronics
E-Waste Recycling Made Easy
Regardless Your Recycling Needs We Can Help: We can recycle most types of E-Waste at Seattle Electronics Recycling. If you have any questions about our recycling services just call 206-792-5210. If you are looking for used computers check out Seattle Laptop. We have a convenient drop off location at 76th and Aurora in North Seattle. Just bring in your E-Waste to be recycled during business hours. You do not need an appointment. We can also back up data from broken computers before you recycle them.